Monday, October 18, 2010

Final Smoking PSA_series Project 6

There should be a series of these posters, but I ran out of time. I may have more time to finish the series during winter break.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Book Designs

Above are some good Type designs that I picked out of these two books.  The titles of the books are Typeface, and Type.

Here are some general things to remember when creating a great professional design.
 1. Always remember Readability and Legibility with Type.
 2. Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.
 3. Many trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle.
 4. Know the Adobe software.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Project 5 HOW Magazine

Project 5 making the cover and 2 inside pages for The HOW magazine, and learning about The Four F's for magazine designFormat, Frame (grids), Formula and Function.

Project 5 Research for HOW Magazine

These were used for research only on project 5

Project 4 10pg_Travel Magazine

After spending about 2 weeks on this project, here is my finished Travel Brochure

Project 4 Travel Research

These books were used for my research on Travel_Project 4

Project 3 Menu

This was my Menu (Coffee) that I created for this project

Project 3 Menu Research

These were the Menu's I picked for researching

Project 2 Typography

This was our Formatting Type Project.  Our Teacher (Kirk Lyman) gives everyone 3 to 4 pages of text and students are to format it in a Hierarchy of type.

Digital Illustration/ Texture Scanning

I actually had a lot of fun with this project.  I had to come up with a theme ( my theme was Breakfast Cereals )and then add a little action to it.  The looks I got from other classmates when I presented it.

Project 1 Homage Thumbnail or Rough Draft